
Our Early Learning Domains

Where should the focus be?

Language & Literacy

Language & Literacy

We begin with the infants utilizing sign language then advance to story time for our toddlers and the preschoolers are introduced to phonics, reading and writing. By surrounding your children with a print rich environment we encourage them to develop important literacy skills for success in life as well as a critical love of reading.



Confidence, independence and exceptional social skills are what we strive to install in each child who enters our program. Children’s natural curiosity is encouraged through interest play area set up in each classroom.



We use math talk throughout the day with the children. Examples would be counting while washing their hands or asking how many crayons are needed for everyone to be able to color. We’ll discuss the various shapes in the block area, use first, second and third to show sequence at this stage also. By doing so, this helps children see the value and use of math in their daily lives.

Social & Emotional

Social & Emotional

Positive interactions teach children that they are good, valuable, competent, and appreciated for who they are. Frequent positive interactions throughout the day and being treated with respect lets the children know that they are valuable human beings.

Creative Arts

Creative Arts

It’s time to exercise the right side of their developing brains. Exploring many types of art through the use of drawing materials, paints and collage materials allow children to create works of art using their imagination and creative thinking skills.



Science for children can be as simple as sorting pinecones by size or seashells by color. Graphing the number of rainy days vs the number of sunny days can encourage both math and science skills.  Engineering through block play teaches children about symmetry, balance and gravity just to name a few skills.

Physical Development

Physical Development

Physical Development is easy with our five playgrounds, we have one for each age group. Our state-of-the-art gymnasium allows room to run and participate in games even on the hot or rainy days. Music and movement activities also help to enhance our balance and expand our gross motor skills.

Social Studies

Social Studies

Examples of diversity are prevalent throughout our classrooms. They are evident in dolls, photographs, book as well as some of the music we play for the children. Children are taught that we all have differences as well as area where we are alike. We have a very diverse population of children and they are encouraged to share their culture with us.


Where it all starts!

The Infant room is all about discovery and safety. We provide a blanket less environment and notifications on all cribs that state whether a child can roll over by themselves or not. Lots of tummy time helps to develop strong neck, core, arm and leg muscles. We have several of the six seat strollers so we can go outside for daily walks to get much needed fresh air.

Hard at play!

Learning through their play at every single turn is what occurs in our very active toddler classrooms. It might just look like play, but they are hard at work practicing important physical skills as they gain muscle control, balance and coordination. This is such a wonderful age and you will see progression as well as regression. As toddlers learn new skills their development in other areas can regress but this is normal. Learning to walk, talk, feed themselves, start toilet training is all a little much at times. Don’t worry. They will catch up.


Pre School

Expand their minds!

Oh my, what a wonderful age! They are developing their independence and basic life skills. Their cognitive abilities are growing at an enormous rate. We set the stage by providing math, science, music, writing, reading aloud and creative activities for your child throughout the day. This is also a great time to develop good nutrition and exercise habits. Children will be encouraged to try a bite of everything on their plate. We also do stretching exercise and simple yoga stretches which enable them to then sit for a bit of learning time.

They grow up so fast!

DURING SCHOOL YEAR– During this time of year we have a structured after school program. As soon as they arrive from school we allow them to have outdoor time. Afterwards, they come in for a snack and homework. For those that don’t have homework, a creative arts or craft activity is available for them as well as books, manipulatives, blocks, science, nature and math activities. Towards the end of the day children are allowed time on computers with a limit to 15 minutes per child.

SUMMER TIME– Summer is all about fun. We have a different theme each summer. Last years theme was Adventure’s Around the World. Our students visited the Outback, South of the Border, Going on a Safari Quest, Germany, India, The Orient, France, Norway, Hawaii and of course America. They participate in culinary, fitness and STEM activities, with minimal technology time while including dance and waterplay when applicable. Generally, we take the kids out several times a week for field trips but have been faced with getting creative utilizing virtual field trips this year which opened a new way to keep education fun and exciting.

School Age